My horse chokes on pellets. I know this now, and learned it the hard way. Yummy soaked mash forever for the Princess Thoroughbred with a Lifetime Track Earning of 127 Dollars.
Terrifying night, and not a good way for your significant other to first meet your horse and barnyard pals.
This is a nifty article on choke if you have never encountered it before: Choking First-Aid.
We ended up pulling her out of the barn yard and massaging the mass gently until it cleared. There was much coughing and saliva about, but this wasn't my first choke, and it cleared in less than 10 minutes. Also, it was not large enough to obstruct her breathing, and the vet had been alerted and was to be called back if it didn't clear itself withing the quarter hour. ALWAYS CALL YOUR VET.
We are all assuming that it was a one time thing since she bolts her feed and hadn't been on the pellets for very long. If it happens again, even with wetting the feed, she gets the long scope down her throat! I had an Arabian gelding that choked on pellets because he, too, was a piggy.
I am wondering if her cribbing could cause any lasting damage to her esophagus and make her more pronen to choking, though. I know it hasn't helped her teeth.
P.S. To the man that tried to encourage my dog to eat his dog tonight,
Quit being an asshat. That growling sound you hear isn't funny, and when I say "Back the fuck off." I mean it. The cute black dog wants to play. The Faun Beast will eat your dog for breakfast because he has poor social skills that have done nothing but improve over the last 4 years. Yeah, they still suck, but he wouldn't have thought about eating your dog back then: he just would have done it.
To all of you other people who walk your dogs in my neighborhood,
If you see an Angry Blonde Beast being told to sit and trembling while doing so, it is probably best that you not approach him with your ill-mannered, filthy, untrained mongrel. Just walk on by because he is LISTENING to his HANDLER. He will try to go home with cute ladies and people with take-out, though.
Thanks in advance.
From the Ground Up
Building the Horse
Friday, December 3, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Since starting this blog, I haven't known exactly what direction it should take. In the beginning I thought that it would be a blog about training the two Thoroughbreds and pony acquired by the man who owns the property where I keep Kizzy. Well, I live in Oregon, don't own a car, and have a horse that is 200 lbs underweight (which is a huge improvement, and yes, she is under veterinary care,) I would rather my "horse budget" and "extra income" go into getting Kizzy sound and up to weight so I can see if she will be a riding partner than blow my money on tack for the other horses and hope for the best with her (I think we all know that doesn't work), so I haven't been riding the Gelding at all due to the weather conditions, lack of fitting tack, and time constraints, and the mare is only 3. I will not start riding her regularly until she is at least 4, and her ground manners are so atrocious that it isn't even worth it until she learns how to behave. Every day when I go to the barn I am far more concerned with watching my horse eat to monitor intake, calculating how much/when we will start increasing again, combing her entire body for any new nicks, scrapes, and bruises, watching her gait and making sure she doesn't have any new soundness issues, and feeding her carrots.
In addition, I was given a promotion at work, and I am working on the skeleton of a business plan to pass along to someone who can flesh it out for a horse rescue that incorporates a work-study and at-risk youth job training program.
The blog will follow this and my adventures with the foster pups that come and go, the remodel on the apartment, getting my training certification (dog), and getting all of my bills paid off by August 1, 2011. Stacy could be involved, too.
Training is great, but there is no use in trying to train horses that can't be worked properly due to financial setbacks and health issues. It wouldn't be fair. So, to have a blog-aissance, I will start by reporting Kizzy's progress:
As of my last post, Kizzy was started on an alfalfa only diet as per instructions from both her vet and the starving horses website. She started at 0.5% (4.25 #) of body weight of alfalfa 2x per day (8.5#) and has increased at a value of 0.05% 2x/day of her body weight per week. She is currently eating 18.5# of alfalfa per day as well as 0.5% of beet pulp 2x per day and 0.25% (2.25#) rice bran. The beet pulp has been incorporated since October 15th and the rice bran has been incorporated since November 15th. A reassessment of her weight will be done on December 7th as well as an assessment to see if she is healthy enough to have her teeth floated.
Oh, she also got a very nice blanket, an attitude, and a winter coat.
Additional information here(Fat Supplementation to Alfalfa Diets) and here(Care and Feeding of the Starved Horse).
In addition, I was given a promotion at work, and I am working on the skeleton of a business plan to pass along to someone who can flesh it out for a horse rescue that incorporates a work-study and at-risk youth job training program.
The blog will follow this and my adventures with the foster pups that come and go, the remodel on the apartment, getting my training certification (dog), and getting all of my bills paid off by August 1, 2011. Stacy could be involved, too.
Training is great, but there is no use in trying to train horses that can't be worked properly due to financial setbacks and health issues. It wouldn't be fair. So, to have a blog-aissance, I will start by reporting Kizzy's progress:
As of my last post, Kizzy was started on an alfalfa only diet as per instructions from both her vet and the starving horses website. She started at 0.5% (4.25 #) of body weight of alfalfa 2x per day (8.5#) and has increased at a value of 0.05% 2x/day of her body weight per week. She is currently eating 18.5# of alfalfa per day as well as 0.5% of beet pulp 2x per day and 0.25% (2.25#) rice bran. The beet pulp has been incorporated since October 15th and the rice bran has been incorporated since November 15th. A reassessment of her weight will be done on December 7th as well as an assessment to see if she is healthy enough to have her teeth floated.
Oh, she also got a very nice blanket, an attitude, and a winter coat.
Additional information here(Fat Supplementation to Alfalfa Diets) and here(Care and Feeding of the Starved Horse).
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Nothing natural about "natural" horsemanship.
I recently updated my resume and realized that I have listed my apprenticeship with a "Natural Horsemanship
" trainer. While I think most things need to be branded so people know about them and they can be marketed, I think this is one that has gotten out of hand.
There us nothing natural about a human working with a horse, and I feel like the title is being used just for clever business people to make money. Respectful, disciplined, clear, consistent, gentle horse training techniques are far from anything "Natural" I have seen lately.
Maybe re-branding is in order. NH now has a stigma against it because of over-paid "used-car salesmen" type trainers taking advantage of novices and beginners to turn a quick buck. It seems that the new way of thinking for a NH enthusiast is "Let the horse do what he wants and I willgive up adjust my body language to what the horse is asking."
I am no advocate of animal abuse or heavy handed training methods, but horses need clear directions, consistent interaction, and sometimes firm discipline to train them to be the best that we want. They do not need to be harassed by a novice with a Parelli "carrot stick" or Dabney halter just because in the book it says when you ad x and y you get z.
Now, don't misunderstand. I believe that almost all training techniques have their place. You a have to sift through the misinformation to get to the meat of the matter and what pieces you can use or discard, but I am not condemning anyone's training techniques. However, I am stating that it is equally abusive to tell a novice or beginner that they have all of the tools and not guide them, or if you give them a "by the book" approach to handling animals, as it is to beat the animal.
Good horsemanship is the active use of clear, kind techniques that work best for the individual horse and handler. There is no secret formula. Working with horses is HARD. I have had countless bruises, scrapes, nicks, sleepless nights, sore muscles, and regrets about things I could or could not have done differently. It takes all of that and all of the experience that it brings to be a good steward to horses.
There us nothing natural about a human working with a horse, and I feel like the title is being used just for clever business people to make money. Respectful, disciplined, clear, consistent, gentle horse training techniques are far from anything "Natural" I have seen lately.
Maybe re-branding is in order. NH now has a stigma against it because of over-paid "used-car salesmen" type trainers taking advantage of novices and beginners to turn a quick buck. It seems that the new way of thinking for a NH enthusiast is "Let the horse do what he wants and I will
I am no advocate of animal abuse or heavy handed training methods, but horses need clear directions, consistent interaction, and sometimes firm discipline to train them to be the best that we want. They do not need to be harassed by a novice with a Parelli "carrot stick" or Dabney halter just because in the book it says when you ad x and y you get z.
Now, don't misunderstand. I believe that almost all training techniques have their place. You a have to sift through the misinformation to get to the meat of the matter and what pieces you can use or discard, but I am not condemning anyone's training techniques. However, I am stating that it is equally abusive to tell a novice or beginner that they have all of the tools and not guide them, or if you give them a "by the book" approach to handling animals, as it is to beat the animal.
Good horsemanship is the active use of clear, kind techniques that work best for the individual horse and handler. There is no secret formula. Working with horses is HARD. I have had countless bruises, scrapes, nicks, sleepless nights, sore muscles, and regrets about things I could or could not have done differently. It takes all of that and all of the experience that it brings to be a good steward to horses.
Rainy Days
Four Thieves Gone: The Robbinsville Sessions
+ Centered Riding (A Trafalgar Square Farm Book)
= a nice day... even though it is raining and I feel like crap.
I wonder if I can convince Stacy to rent
Battle Royale: Director's Cut (Collector's Edition) and sip vodka tonics with me tonight...
I wonder if I can convince Stacy to rent
Monday, September 6, 2010
![]() |
Skyline's Guinness |
This comes at a perfect time because there will be a show in Medford, OR October 8th through 10th... or something like that. Maybe I will get to work with her little ones and help prep for the show. It would be swell even though I am contracted by Skyline Alpacas for those dates. I could still help out Easy Feelin'. Maybe if I work enough, I won't need sleep of food because my body will run on pure adrenaline. I will be a horse trainin, alpaca trimmin, dog-walkin machine.
Really, I am just
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